I work with different programms for Entertainment. Sunlite Suite 2 to control DMX Fixtures from Nicolaudie, Beyond for Show-Lasers from Pangolin and Madrix from inoage. I'd like to create shows with those programms,
but I had trouble syncing their Timeline. After days of trouble and several tests, I came to the conclusion, that no Software MIDI Timecode Sender (MTC) is sending the MTC the right way. I tried it with Sunlite's
integrated MTC Sender but Beyond couldn't handle that for a long time and it startet to jump between times. I also tried other MTC Software senders but it fails with all of them.
I also tried some MTC synchronous Video Players like ChainGang and MTC Video Slave, but they all couldn't sync with any of the MTC senders I tried and the video was not running smooth.
This was the Point, where I digg deep into the MIDI definition and began with some test. After a few hours, I have found out, that none of those MTC senders are actually following the MIDI specifications.
So I startet to build my own one, with the goal, to fully respect the MIDI definitions and reach a maximum of precision.
My MTC Sender reaches a accuracy of aprox. 0.5 ms between MTC Quarterframes and has no time drift. This means, it is fully in sync with Computer time all the time. I think it is one of the most precise
MTC Software Sender which is currently available. (If there are any others)
I also added some special features which I missed in other apps. I will use this app to Sync other programms with MTC (Laser and DMX Fixtures). Additionally I use this app to playback prerendered videos for complex shows.
In future, it should also be possible to combine the prerendered video with other audio visualizers. The MTC Sender will never create visualizations itself. The goal is to use other visualizers like Aeon, R4, WinAmp and
MediaPlayer. They will be triggered automatically at predefined MTC timecodes and the window will be displayed without headline or border at the same position as the video window to fit LED-Screens.
Source Code in VB.net (Visual Studio 2012) for sending and receiving MTC Timecode is available on request.